DoctorZettabyte's shared folders
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- Audacity Stuff (2 files) - A folder for all of DocZ's Audacity mixes in OGG format.
- Desktops and Images (31 files) - A place for my desktops and such.
- Garry's Mod 10 Stuff (6 files) - DocZetta's Garry's Mod 10 utilities.
- Giggily's Sigs and Shit (3 files)
- Miscellaneous Stuff (4 files) - A place for all of DocZetta's miscellaneous photos and files.
- Motivational Posters (39 files) - DocZ's Motivational posters
- ULTRA DESKTOP FOLDER (5 files) - DocZetta's various desktops. Current count stands at more than 500.
- ULTRA DESKTOPS A-CL (87 files)
- ULTRA DESKTOPS Cl-L4 (95 files)
- UT2004 Desktop Packs (20 files) - The folder for DocZ's UT2004 desktops.
- WarBoards Worm! (1 files)